The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.
99999 and 100000
Because in our system of numbers 100,000 is greater than 99,999.
The greatest whole number with 5 digits is 99,999. The next greater whole number is 100,000, which is the least whole number having 6 digits.
The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.
The least whole number with 6 digits, since 100000 > 99999
99999 and 100000
Integers of 6 digits are normally greater than integers of 5 digits
Any 5-digit number is greater than a 4-digit one.
Because in our system of numbers 100,000 is greater than 99,999.
What is the units digit of the least whole number greater than 1000 whose digits are all different?
A 6-digit number will ALWAYS be greater than a 5-digit number. Assuming both are positive of course.
which is greater, whole number with 5 digits or the whole number with 6 digits?