The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.
99999 and 100000
which is greater, whole number with 5 digits or the whole number with 6 digits?
A 6-digit number will ALWAYS be greater than a 5-digit number. Assuming both are positive of course.
Because in our system of numbers 100,000 is greater than 99,999.
The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.
The greatest whole number with 5 digits is 99,999. The next greater whole number is 100,000, which is the least whole number having 6 digits.
The least whole number with 6 digits, since 100000 > 99999
99999 and 100000
Integers of 6 digits are normally greater than integers of 5 digits
Any 5-digit number is greater than a 4-digit one.
which is greater, whole number with 5 digits or the whole number with 6 digits?
A 6-digit number will ALWAYS be greater than a 5-digit number. Assuming both are positive of course.
Because in our system of numbers 100,000 is greater than 99,999.
Assuming that 000001 isn't considered as the smallest number with 6 digits on the basis that it would just be written as 1 instead: greatest whole number with 5 digits: 99,999 smallest whole number with 6 digits: 100,000 So hence the 6 digit number is the greatest. If negative numbers were involved though, then the 5 digit number would be the largest by definition. As it would still be 99,999 whereas the smallest 6 digit number would be -999,999
Every six-digit number is greater than any five-digit number.
The whole number comprises three digits: 5, 4 and 6 - in that order.