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you make it into a fraction by puting whatever the negative exponent is attach to an pu that on the botttom of the fraction and leave a one on top

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Q: How do you express negative exponents as positive exponents while multiplying?
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What is the difference between scientific notation and negative exponents?

Scientific notation is a way to express very large or very small numbers. For very large exponent is positive; for very small exponent is negative. For example, 1,000,000 is 1 x 10 to the plus 6 exponent; 0.000001 is 1 x 10 to the negative 6 exponent

How many ways can you express the number 64 using bases and exponents?

In infinitely many ways. However, if you want powers of positive integers only, then you can express 64 as a power of 2, 4, 8 and of 64 itself.

How do formulas express composition of compounds?

They list the elements in a molecule, numbers of each, and positive or negative charges.

What is the Excel formula to show exponents?

There are two ways to express exponents in Excel.=6^3=POWER(6,3)

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You should express a vector along the x-axis as negative when it points in the negative x-direction relative to a chosen positive direction. This convention helps maintain consistency with vector addition and trigonometric methods.

What does lilotes mean?

I think you mean litotes - using a negative to emphasise a positive. For example She's not unintelligent to express She's intelligent.

How did Archimedes introduce exponents?

Archimedes is said to have invented exponents to express very large numbers. A passage from The Sand Reckoner is offered as evidence. To say that he invented exponents is a stretch of the facts; but he was aware of the concepts involved.

How do you express the numbers of a particular prime number using exponents?

Exponents are used to replace repeated factors. Prime numbers won't use exponents because they don't have repeated factors. To express the prime factorization of a particular composite number using exponents, just count. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 72 23 x 32 = 72

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Yes, both affirmative and declarative sentences make statements that express facts or opinions. Affirmative sentences are positive statements, while declarative sentences can be positive or negative.

How do you find the prime factorization of 321 using exponents to express the result?

321 = 3*107

Express 96 as a product of prime factors using exponents?

96 = 25 x 31

Can parents with a negative and a positive blood type have a child with an o negative blood type?

Yes. If mother was A/O RH pos (D d) and Father is A/O RH neg (d d), then they could have a O positive child. One only needs one big D to express the RH positive gene.