It is usually a fraction, as it is usually shown in a ratio. Decimal and percentages can be used though.
Percentages are percentages - simple! The marketing people have not yet come up with "new improved" percentages.
The answer depends on what you are trying to do with the percentages.
Any graph can use percentages.
Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.
It is usually a fraction, as it is usually shown in a ratio. Decimal and percentages can be used though.
The concept of a factor is appropriate only for integers. For fractions, including percentages, the idea is neaningless since any non-zero number can divide into any fraction.
Percentages are percentages - simple! The marketing people have not yet come up with "new improved" percentages.
The atmosphere today is about 21% oxygen. In former times it was different percentages. In dinosaur days, it was closer to 30%, which was a factor in animals growing as big as they did.
The answer depends on what you are trying to do with the percentages.
Relative humidity is recorded in percentages.
waste percentages in manufacturing of filled past
They are called sums of percentages!
Play the Percentages was created in 1980.
Any graph can use percentages.
percentages of 20 = 2000%20 * 100% = 2000%
percentages are used to tell the over all number