The factors of 1757051 are: 1, 1291, 1361, 1757051
To find the factors of 1757051, we need to determine all the numbers that can divide evenly into 1757051 without leaving a remainder. The factors of 1757051 are 1, 59, 29711, and 1757051 itself. This is because 1 and the number itself are always factors, and the other factors are obtained by dividing 1757051 by different numbers starting from 2 up to the square root of 1757051.
No. 1291 x 1361 = 1757051
Factorise fully is when brackets are involved in the equation
a²-a = a(a-1)
To factorise is to find the numbers that divide into the original number by only using prime numbers. For example factorise 20 = 2 times 2 times 5
Interpreting the question as referring to factorisation rather than division, the answer is: 1291 * 1361
to put into brackets
you do (245x)
The answer will depend on where the brackets are. In general the solution would be to expand all the brackets, combine like terms and then factorise.