-27 or +27
The cubed root of 27 is 3. The cubed root of 8 is 2.
It is: 8/3
Square root: √27 = 5.196152423 Result of squared root cubed: 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 = 140.2961154293 (Or 140.303 to 2 decimal places.)
3 x 3 x 3 = 27 27 is the cube of 3. 3 is the cube root of 27.
The square root of 9 cubed is equal to 27.
The inverse of finding the cube root is cubing the number. For example, the cubed root of 27 is 3. 3 cubed, (or 33) is 27.
-27 or +27
The cubed root of 27 is 3. The cubed root of 8 is 2.
It is: 8/3
Square root: √27 = 5.196152423 Result of squared root cubed: 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 x 5.196152423 = 140.2961154293 (Or 140.303 to 2 decimal places.)
yes... 3 is the cubed root of 27 3 cubed is 3x3x3 so... 3x3=9 9x3=27 and there you have it! :) hope this makes sense
3 x 3 x 3 = 27 27 is the cube of 3. 3 is the cube root of 27.
3The cubed root of 27 is 33This is because 3x3x3 =3x3 = 9.9x3 = 27.So your answer is 3
-27 is one possible answer.
27 27 = 3*3*3 (3 cubed = 27) 2+7 = 9 The square root of 9 is 3.
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