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Take the typed words and divide it by the number of minutes.

ex. 3,250 words / 12 min = 270 w/m.

(sorry if this isn't a realistic example)

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Q: How do you figure out typed words per minute?
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What is the difference between words per minute and Gross words per minute?

Words per minute is the actual total number of words you have typed (including deleted words), whereas Gross words per minute is the number of words you have typed excluding the ones you typed but deleted. Does that make sense?

7416 words per hour typed equal how many words per min typed?

Approximately 123 words per minute.

What is the Difference between Net words per minute and Gross words per minute?

Net words per minute is your total words with the error rate calculated into the result. Gross words per minute is the total words typed, without subtracting any errors.

Who is the fastest typist ever recordedand how many words per minute did she type?

The fastest words per minute ever typed was 389 WPM. It was done by Stefanie Cocks.

What is the meaning of gross speed?

It is the fastest of your typing if your average is 31 word per minute, but at some point you typed 39 words per minute then 39 word per minute is you gross speed

Tarun types 85 words each minute He has typed 1 000 000 words If he types for 6 hours each day for about how many days has he typed?

85 words per minute is 85*60 = 5100 words per hour. That is 5100*6 = 30600 words per working day. At that speed, 1000000 words would take 1000000/30600 = 32.68 or 33 days.

In typing how are net words per minute calculated?

To determine net words a minute: Total words (5 characters = 1 word), divided by number of minutes of the timing, minus 2 for each error = nwpm So, if you typed 75 words in 3 minutes with 2 errors on the timing, you would calculate net words per minute as follows: 75 words, divided by 3 (number of minutes) = 25 gwpm (gross words per minute) minus 4 (2 errors) = 21 nwpm - (net words per minute)

How many words make up 200 characters?

40 words. 5 characters per word in typing to figure words per minute rate.

Tommy types 54 words per minute with an average of 3 mistakes How many mistakes would you expect Tommy to make if he typed 300 words?

17 mistakes

What does wpm or gwpm stand for?

WPM = Words Per Minute gwpm = Gross Words Per Minute

What does GWAM mean?

Gross Words Per Minute Gross Words Per Minute

20 words per minute is what percent of 45 words per minute?

44.4444444444444444_ %