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2 multiplied by 4.5/100 = 0.09

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Q: How do you figure out what is 4.5 percent of 2?
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2 percent of 45 is 0.9

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to figure out 45% of 540 first you must make 45% into a decimal so move the decimal(45.%) over to the left 2 so it becomes .45 then multiply 540 times .45 if you did the math then you would get the answer 243.00 or 243

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A simple problem: 45% x 720 = 324 We now have our "30%" figure. 324 / 3 = 108 We now have a ten percent figure, which if multiplied by ten, will give us a 100 percent figure. 108 x 10 = 1080. Checking the answer: 0.3 x 1080 = 324 0.45 x 720 = 324. Therefore, 45% of 720 is equal to 30% of 1080.

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'is' over 'of' equals percentage over 100ex. 45 percent of 842 is what?answer. x/842 = 45%/100cross multiply 45 times 842 -you get 37890then divide that by 100 and your answer is 378.9378.9 is 45% of 842

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Times 180 by 4.5 and knock of the 0 at the end.

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20 percent is also written as .2 To find 20 percent of 45, multiply 45 by .2 = 9

What is bigger 45 percent or 2 fifths?

45% is greater.

How do i figure out 18 is what percent of 45?

18 divided by 45 = 0.40 therefore 0.40 x 100 = 40% so: 40% of 45 = 0.40 x 45 = 18

How do you find out 2 percent of 45?

When you're finding x percent of some number you use this formula x*number/100. Therefore 2% of 45 is 2*45/100=0.9

What is 45 percent of 1520?

To get the answer, You have to change the percent to a decimal and since the percent is only 2 numbers all you need to do is change the 45 to .45. So here is the equation: 1520 (divided by) .45= 684