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add up the three grades then divide by three

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Q: How do you find a grade average of 3 grades?
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How do you know your grade pointe average?

you add up all the grade totals and divide that number by the number of grades. A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0 For example if your child received 3 A's and 4 B's you will calculate it like this: 4+4+4+3+3+3+3= 24 then you divide 24 by 7(number of grades) the average is a 3.4 which is the grade point average. =)

What does a 3.48 GPA mean in terms of grades?

In terms of letter grades, a 3. 48 grade point average falls between an A and a B. A 3. 5 GPA is a definite A.

How do you know your daughters grade point average?

you add up all the grade totals and divide that number by the number of grades. A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0 For example if your child received 3 A's and 4 B's you will calculate it like this: 4+4+4+3+3+3+3= 24 then you divide 24 by 7(number of grades) the average is a 3.4 which is the grade point average. =)

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where can i find sample questions for national achievement tests for grade 3

What does 3.10 means in terms of grades?

It is around 77-79 percent. The grade would be B+ It's an 85 percent, B+

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grade 6,2011

3 football rules?

good grades, keep up GPA(grade point average), come to every practice

What are GCSE grades?

level 8 A* level 7 A/A* level 6 B level 5 C level 4 D level 3 E/F level 2 G/U This varies from subject to subject. These are the grades you should get if you reach the written level at the end of KS3.

How do you calculate an average score?

In the simple case where all the graded courses carry equal weight, assign a numeric value to the letter grades, compute the mathematical average, and then convert the number back to a grade letter if desired. Generally these values are assigned to letter grades: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0. Substitute a number for every grade letter, add up the numbers, and divide by the number of grades/courses to get your numerical average (usally called your GPA, or grade-point average). Use the above scale to convert back to a letter if you wish. For example, if you have 6 courses and earned 2 As, 3Bs, and a C, you would add 2 4s, 3 3s, and a 2, and then divide by 6: (2X4 + 3X3 + 1X2)/6 = (8+9+2)/6 = 19/6 = about 3.2 (rounded), your GPA. 3 is a B, so your average letter grade is a strong B.

What are the 3 grades for canned fruits and vegetables?

The three grades for canned fruits vegetables include: Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade A- desserts, salads (also known as 'Fancy') Grade B- processed (also known as 'Choice') Grade C- puddings, pies (also known as 'Standard')

How do you find the average daily number?

To find an average, 1. you add up all the numbers to find a sum. Example: Molly made these grades on her tests: 92,87,89,91, and 96. What is the average of her grades? 92+87+89+91+96= 455. 2. you count up the amount of whole numbers (5), and then divide that by 455. 3. 455 divided by 5= 95. The average is 95.

I am making a C plus plus program for a programming class that takes in 5 grades for 7 students averages them gets a letter grade and displays it all in a table How do you set up a table for variables?

The following example sets up a two-dimensional array, initialises it with some pseudo-random data, and then prints the table and the averages. #include<iostream> #include<time.h> int main() { const int max_students = 7; const int max_student_grades = 5; const int max_grades = 6; const char grade[max_grades]={'A','B','C','D','E','F'}; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); // Initialise the array with pseudo-random grades: int table[max_students][max_student_grades]; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { table[student][student_grade] = rand()%max_grades; } } // Print the table and average the results. int overall=0; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { int average=0; std::cout<<"Student #"<<student+1; for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { std::cout<<" Grade #"<<student_grade+1<<": "<<grade[table[student][student_grade]]<<", "; average+=table[student][student_grade]; } std::cout<<" Average: "<<grade[average/max_grades]<<std::endl; overall+=average; } std::cout<<"Overall average: "<<grade[overall/max_grades/max_students]<<std::endl; return(0); } Example output: Student #1 Grade #1: A, Grade #2: E, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: F, Average: C Student #2 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: E, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #3 Grade #1: D, Grade #2: A, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #4 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: B, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: A, Grade #5: B, Average: A Student #5 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: C, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #6 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #7 Grade #1: B, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: F, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: C, Average: C Overall average: C