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You use the Formula A(2) +B(2) = C(2)
C is the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is the largest side which is always opposite of the right angle. A and B are sides of and it does not matter what side you use as a or b

For Example: the sides are 5 12 and 6.

5| \ 12

a b c
5(5) + 6(6) = 12(12) = 144
25 36 61

Since 144 does not equal 61 it is NOT a right triangle. If they were equal the triangle would be a right triangle.

4| \ 5

a b c
3(3) + 4(4) = 5(5) = 25
9 16 25

Since 25 Equals 25 The Triangle IS a Right Triangle.

If it gives you Angle The Hypotenuse (C) and one side(A) The Equation would look like this:

C(2) - A(2) = B(2)

5(5) - 3(3) = 4(4)
25 - 9 = 16

Hope It Helped; and sorry for all that to read!

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