Assuming that the question is about screws and not skrews (since there is no such word), it is usually a spiral with a constant pitch but whose radius increases initially.
Line a is parallel to line b, m, and . Find .
One characteristic of a line is that the length continues on forever.You can only find the length of a line segment.
Find the number that is most to the right of the line plot.
Find the value of the trend line when x = 0
Where to put 0.311 in a number line
skrew you
yer skrew the system ''' ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
we do not translate in appropriate language
i have no idea skrew you people (idiots)
Depends on how much you skrew them
They never touch but they are not parallel because they are not co-planar
The greatest industrial rock band to come out of Texas since Skrew.
baseball SWIMMING!!! but skrew phelps...-- mrtoastsduckie. Hilarious. Super delicious.
I don't know what is the point of it anyway! skrew it!!!!
get a women to skrew you, then hae a kid, thenput him as your liesence plate
What kind of freak are you to ask if babys are tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!! what kind of skrew up wants to know that??? I advise you to see a shrink!!
Line a is parallel to line b, m, and . Find .