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Q: How do you find an acupuncturist?
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How do I become an acupuncturist?

You can find out more information from an acupuncturist here: Depending upon the level of certification you'd like to receive, it may take many years to finish school. You can find out more on classes in NY here:

What is an acupuncturist?

An acupuncturist formulates herbal preparations to treat conditions in consideration to herbal properties that are related to taste, toxicity, and assess patients' general physical appearance to make diagnosis.

What kind of physical exam does the acupuncturist do on his patient?

the acupuncturist will examine the patient to find further symptoms, looking closely at the tongue, the pulse at various points in the body, the complexion, general behavior, and other signs like coughs or pains

What is an lac?

Licensed Acupuncturist

What provider is an lac?

An LAC (Local Access and Transport Area) is typically a geographical area defined for telecommunications purposes that is served by one or more local telephone companies. The specific provider of services within an LAC can vary depending on the region and the regulatory environment.

Who is the Dallas Cowboys acupuncturist?

David Shelton

Who is the best acupuncturist in Phoenix?

Leo Vicarvio

Should the word Acupuncturist always be capitalized?


How can a licensed acupuncturist become a licensed provider for insurance?

You can take an exam to sell insurance for various companies. Being a licensed acupuncturist has nothing to do with being an insurance salesperson.

How can I become a certified acupuncturist online?

I am not sure you would be able to.

How long does it take to become an acupuncturist?

2 years in California.

Did you tell your acupuncturist 'Jab well done'?

I did, and he stuck me with a higher bill.