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circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

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Q: How do you find circumference of a circle given?
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How do you find the DIAMETER if given the circumference OF A CIRCLE?

Diameter of a circle = circumference/pi

How do you find the perimeter when circumference is given?

When the shape is a circle, then the perimeter is called"circumference".The circumference IS the perimeter of a circle.

What is the formula to find the circumference of a circle with the raduis given?

Circumference of a circle: 2 x pi x radius.

What is the formula to find the circumference of a circle with the diameter given?

Circumference = (diameter) multiplied by (pi)

How do you find the radius of a circle when only given the circumference?

Divide the circumference by (2*pi)

If the area of a circle is given as 67cm squared find the diameter and then circumference of this circle?

If the area of a circle is given as 67cm squared, the diameter is 9.236 cm and the circumference is 29.02 cm

How do you find length and width given the circumference?

If you mean the diameter and radius of a circle given the circumference it is:- diameter = circumference/pi radius = circumference/(2*pi)

How do you find the area of a circle without knowing the radius?

If the circumference or diameter is given then you can find the radius or simply measure the distance from the centre of the circle to the circumference.

How do you find the radius of a circle when the circumference is given?

Divide the circumference by the value of Pi, then halve that result.

If the area of a circle is 201.06 then the circumference of the circle is?

The formula to find the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle. To find the circumference, you first need to find the radius by using the formula for the area of a circle (A = πr^2). Given that the area is 201.06, you can solve for the radius. Once you have the radius, you can plug it into the formula C = 2πr to find the circumference.

Define what the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the perimeter of the circle for a given diamater.

What is the formula to find the circumference of a circle when the diameter is given?
