Numbers are co-prime when their GCF is 1.
They are not co-prime,They are simply the same number.
All numbers greater than one in that range can be co-prime. 4 and 9 are co-prime.
Any number greater than one can be co-prime.
Any number greater than 1 can be co-prime.
A whole number is co-prime with another whole number if their GCF is 1.
Numbers are co-prime when their GCF is 1.
3 is a co-prime number.
2 is the smallest prime number. It is co-prime with every odd number.
3 is a co-Prime number.
Any integer greater than one can be co-prime.
They are not co-prime,They are simply the same number.
Co-prime numbers have a GCF of 1, that is, they don't share any common prime factors. If your number is 15, with a prime factorization of 3 x 5, pick a number that doesn't include 3 or 5. 2 x 11 is 22 15 and 22 are co-prime.
No multiples of the same number greater than one can be co-prime, since they will both have that number as a factor.
Two number are co-prime if there is no whole number other than 1 that divides them both exactly
All numbers greater than one in that range can be co-prime. 4 and 9 are co-prime.
Any number from 2-200 can be co-prime.