To find the midpoint between two points:The x-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the x-coordinates of the two points.Similar for the y-coordinate.
The average of the x coordinates of the point(s) is the x coordinate of the mid point, The average of the y coordinates of the point(s) is the y coordinate of the mid point, and so on, through 3, 4 dimensions, etc.
According to the question, you HAVE the point!
The answer is the x coordinate of the point.
the deivative of a function is the gradient, at a point if you can sub in the x coordinate for that point
To find the midpoint between two points:The x-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the x-coordinates of the two points.Similar for the y-coordinate.
The average of the x coordinates of the point(s) is the x coordinate of the mid point, The average of the y coordinates of the point(s) is the y coordinate of the mid point, and so on, through 3, 4 dimensions, etc.
x coordinate
According to the question, you HAVE the point!
The answer is the x coordinate of the point.
It is called that point...(say, 5, -4) but in the x coordinate. a question may be...Find the x cooriinate of 5, -4, and the x coordinate of it would just be caalled the x coordinate of 5, -4
To find out the coordinates of a point in the coordinate system you do the opposite. Begin at the point and follow a vertical line either up or down to the x-axis. There is your x-coordinate. And then do the same but following a horizontal line to find the y-coordinate.
the deivative of a function is the gradient, at a point if you can sub in the x coordinate for that point
To find the x-coordinate of a point on the xy-plane, you look at the horizontal distance of the point from the y-axis. The y-coordinate of a point on the xy-plane is the vertical distance of the point from the x-axis.
in math do long ways first then do the other way and find where they point and there is your answer
What is used to locate a point in a coordinate plane