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Well its easiest to think of this in context.
If Al was to travel at 1 meter per second for one second, he would have traveled 1 meter.
How did we come about this? We multiplied the velocity (1 m/s) by the time (1 sec.) to get 1 meter. The unit of seconds cancel out of the velocity leaving us just with the distance.

So to answer your question with a direct formula would be as follows:
d = v * t

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Q: How do you find distance with velocity and time?
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How do you find distance when you know the time and velocity?

Simple, velocity = distance by time ,which probably means distance = velocity X times.

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To find the time when you know the distance and velocity but not the time, you should divide distance by velocity. This is because time equals distance divided by velocity (time = distance/velocity).

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Without distance, you have to know time, initial velocity, and acceleration, in order to find final velocity.

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Velocity is distance divided by time. (v=d/t)

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Velocity = distance / unit of time

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You can't. The mass is irrelevant to velocity. You need the distance.

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To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

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Velocity is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance, taking into account the direction as well. It is a vector quantity and is expressed in terms of distance per unit time, often measured in meters per second.

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You can't. All you can tell from time and distance is the average speed during that time.