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Q: How do you find greatest possible error for measurement of 3ft?
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The greatest possible error for the measurement 0.991 g would be half of the smallest measurable unit, which is typically 0.001 g for this measurement. Therefore, the greatest possible error would be ±0.0005 g.

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How do you find greatest possible error for measurement of 18.9 m?

Assuming the number is written to its greatest precision, it will be half of the place of the last digit. Since the 9 is in the tenths place, the greatest possible error is ±0.5*a tenth = ±0.05 metres.

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It is half the place value of the last digit that is given. In this case, it is + or -0.05m = + or - 5 cm.

How do you find greatest possible error?

for example you use a beam balance to find the mass of a rock sample for a science lab. you read the scale as 3.8g. what is your greatest possible error? well the rocks mass was measured to the nearest 0.1g, so the greatest possible error is one half of 0.1g he's right but here's the definition: one half of the unit of measurement to which the measure is being rounded. EX. the greatest possible answer of 3g is 1.5g If you have 3 cm, you are measuring to the nearest cm, so the greatest possibel error would be .5 cm.

How do you find the greatest possible error for 18.9?


What is the greatest possible error of 3.5 cm?

first you must find the precision. that is the smallest possible unit of the smallest measurement. in this case the smallest measurement is 5/10ths. the smallest possible unit is 1/10. so 1/10 is the precision. to find the greatest possible error you have to multiply the precision (1/10) by 1/2. and you get 1/20. the greatest possible error is 1/20. another example: find the greatest possible error of both 6 and 3.214. for 6 the smallest unit would be 1 because you can go lower than one without going to the next unit down. so we then take one and multiply it by 1/2. one half is also 0.5. 1 multiplied by 1/2 is 1/2, therefore, the greatest possible error of 6 is 1/2 or 0.5. for the next number take the smallest unit of 214/1000, which is what .214 is. the smallest measurement would be 1/1000. that is our precision. the greatest possible error is one half (1/2) of the precision, or, 1/1000 x 1/2, which equals 1/2000. the greatest possible error of 3.214 is 1/2000. it's kind of confusing. i hope this helped. first it helps to understand the precision. then from there the gpe is half of the precision.

What is the greatest possible error of 150 miles?

bich find it cho self

Suppose a paper clip is measured at 3 cm What is the percent error in this measurement?

This is a two step problem: First you must find the Greatest Possible Error (GPE)? To find the greates possible error, you must acknowledge the significant place value. In this case because it is measured to 3cm the answer is 1cm. The GPE is half of 1cm which is 0.5cm. Second the percent of error is a ratio of the GPE/Original measurement. In this case it is 0.5/3 is 0.16666666667 therefore the answer is: approximately 16.67% or 16.7% or 17%

How do you find zero error of screw gauge?

Take a measurement with nothing in the gauge. That reading is the zero-error.

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Indirect measurement is a technique that uses proportions to find a measurement when direct measurement is not possible.