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Multiply the number of kilometers per second by 1000.

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Q: How do you find meters per hours on a car?
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If a car is traveling at 40 kilometers per hour how many kilo meters would the car travel in 2 hours?

80,000 kilo meters

How long does it take a car to travel 525 miles if it is traveling at 15 meters per second?

At 15 meters per second it will take the car 15 hours 40 minutes to cover 525 miles.

What was the average sPEED in meters per second of a car that travels 400 kilometers in 5 hours?

a) Divide the kilometers by the hours, to get the speed in kilometers per hour. b) Divide this result by 3.6, to convert to meters/second.

What is 15275.9 miles per year in meters per hour?

To convert 15275.9 miles per year to meters per hour, first convert miles to meters and years to hours. There are 1609.34 meters in a mile and 8760 hours in a year. Calculate: 15275.9 miles/year * 1609.34 meters/mile / 8760 hours/year. The result is approximately 2798.7 meters per hour.

How long will a car take to cover 200 meters at 60 miles per hour?

0.00207 hours = 0.124 minutes approx.

To pass a truck a car initially traveling 25 meters per second accelerates at a constant rate of 3 meters per second squared after 6 seconds how fast is the car traveling?

That's easy, if the car is initially traveling at 25 meters per second and gradually accelerates 3 meters per second for 6 seconds then the car is traveling at 43 meters per second.

How many meters per seconds is in miles per hours?

1 mph = 0.44704 meters per second.

A car accelerates from rest at 2 meters per second per second What is its speed 3 seconds after the car starts moving?

6 meters per second. Explanation: After 1 second = 2 meters per second. After 2 seconds = 4 meters per second. After 3 seconds = 6 meters per second.

How far do you travel in a car at 60 miles per hour in meters?

96,560.64 meters per hour.

Find the distance traveled by a car in the 7th second if it has an initial velocity of 10m per second and is accelerating at the rate of 3m per s2?

it is 10 meters per second + 7 seconds * e^2 / 3 + 22 meters * 5 = approximately 137.2 kilometers per hour. Because the car isn't traveling in a circular motion and you need meters per second, you need to do the following: 137.2 / (2 * pi * 3.6) = 32.104 meters per second

If a car is going 27 miles per hour how many meters will it travel in a minute?

To convert miles per hour to meters per minute, first convert 27 miles per hour to meters per hour by multiplying by 1609.34 (1 mile = 1609.34 meters). Then divide this value by 60 to get meters per minute. Therefore, a car going 27 miles per hour will travel approximately 24.14 meters in a minute.

A car travels a distance of 98 meters in 10 seconds What is the average speed of a car?

The calculation required is: distance divided by time = average distance per second 98 meters divided by 10 seconds = 9.8 meters per second. To calculate in commonly used kilometers per hour multiply by 3600 ( to get Hours )and divide by 1000 ( to get Kilometers) or simply use 3.6 as a factor. 9.8 meters per second times 3.6 = 35.28 kilometers per hour 9.8 meters per second times 3600 divided by 1000 = 35.28 kilometers per hour