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How do you find pH of a solution with no indicator? Well if you don't want to use pH meter, the only other way to find out is using the pH paper which turns into different colours respectively to the pH of the solution, that is not too accurate,...

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Q: How do you find normality of solution?
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What is the normality of 37 percent fuming HCl?

To find the normality of a solution, you need to know the molarity and whether the solution is monoprotic or polyprotic. Since fuming HCl is typically monoprotic (one hydrogen per molecule), you can assume the normality is equal to the molarity. Therefore, the normality of a 37% fuming HCl solution is approximately 11.1 N (since 37% is roughly 11.1 M HCl).

Will the normality of an NaOH solution increase or decrease if the solution is exposed to air for prolonged periods?

The normality of an NaOH solution will remain the same if exposed to air for prolonged periods because normality is a measure of concentration. However, the concentration of the solution may change if water evaporates from the solution, leading to an increase in the normality.

What is the normality of a 0.10 M solution of phosphoric acid?

The normality is o,3.

What is lab normality of hcl?

The normality of a solution is a measure of the concentration of a solute in a solution. For HCl (hydrochloric acid), the normality would depend on the concentration of the HCl solution. For example, a 1 M (molar) solution of HCl would be 1 N (normal).

What is the normality of a 6.35 M H2SO4 is?

0.08 n

Why you use normality?

for calculating the concentration of solution.

What is normality of benzoic acid?

The normality of benzoic acid depends on its concentration in solution and its molecular weight. To calculate normality, you need the molarity of the solution and the number of equivalents of acid per mole of benzoic acid. Normality is equal to Molarity times Equivalent factor.

Definition of normality as concerned to chemistry?

Normality of a solution is defined as the molar concentration divided by an equivalent factor

Derivation of normality?

The normality of a solution is the gram equivalent weight of a solute per liter of solution. For example, 1 M sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is 2 N for acid-base reactions because each mole of sulfuric acid provides 2 moles H+ ions.

What is the primary standard solution for checking normality of Hcl?


What is the normality of one liter solution if it has 3.65 grams of Hydrochloric acid?

Normality is the number of gram equivalents of solute per liter of solution.N = [ ( m ) / ( M ) ( Z ) ] [ 1000 / V in mL ]where Z represents the number of H+ ions that the one molecule of the solute is capableof releasing or reacting with. For HCl, Z = 1 .N = [ ( 3.65 g ) / ( 36.458 g / mol ) ( 1 ) ] [ 1000 mL / 1000 mL )N = 0.100 N

What is the unit of normality?

Normality is a unit of concentration used in chemistry. It is defined as the number of equivalents of a substance dissolved in a liter of solution. The unit for normality is N.