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zero times any number is still zero

0x 1/3 = 0

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Q: How do you find one third of zero?
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One third less than zero.

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How can you find the product of two numbers when one is zero?

Anything times zero is zero.

Is ten to the third 1000 or 10000.?

10 to the third has 3 zero's so the answer is 1000 (aka one thousand)

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Is zero greater than one third?

No, if it was less it would have to be -1/3 so no. 1/3 is more than zero.

Is one third closer to a half or zero?

I'm not sur bout dat either

How do you find the product of two numbers when one is 0?

If one is zero, then the product is always zero.(Think about it ... you take 279 zero times. How much do you have ?)

If two third of x is equals to third fourth of x. What is fourth fifthof x?

Zero. They're all zero.

Is one third of a mina more or less than one mina?

If a mina is greater than zero, then yes, otherwise no.

0 10 1110 3110 132110 1113122110 what is the next number?

This is a cool brain teaser that everyone believes to be some mathematical pattern. The first number is a zero. The next number describes the previous number, which is one zero, which is 10. The third describes the second number, which is one one, then one zero, which is equal to 1110. The fourth describes the third, which is three one's, one zero. This patter repeats until you are asked for the next number, which would be three ones, one three, one one, two two, two one, one zero, or 311311222110.The Next next number would be 13211321322110, 1113122113121113222110, 31131122211311123113322110.