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Q: How do you find out decimal expansion of square root of 14?
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What is square root of pi?

The square root of Pi is a transcendental number whose decimal expansion begins 1.77245385090552....(and on and on) The answer is 772004514666935

What is the square root of number seven?

The square root of 7 is an irrational number, so its decimal expansion never ends and never repeats. Rounded to 3 decimal places it is 2.646.

Is the square root of pi a rational or irrational number?

Pi, and the square root of pi, belong to a category known as transcendental numbers, which means that not only do they have an infinite decimal expansion (the numbers following the decimal go on forever) but the decimal expansion follows no pattern and is unpredictable. Irrational numbers also have an infinite decimal expansion, but not necessarily an unpredictable one.

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The square root of 325, 18.027756377319946465596106337352…, is an irrational number because its decimal expansion is nonterminating and nonperiodic.

How do you find the square root of 286?

There is no whole number that is the square root of 286. The decimal is around 16.91.

How do you get a fraction into a square root to the nearest hundredths?

Find the square root to the thousandth place (3rd decimal digit) and round it to 2 decimal places to give the square root in hundredths. If you want a fraction, convert the decimal hundredths to a fraction by putting them over 100 and simplifying.

How do you do a square root to a decimal?

square it

Find the square root of 0.9 to 3 places of decimals?

To find the square root of 0.9 to 3 decimal places, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method such as the Newton-Raphson method. By using the Newton-Raphson method, you can iteratively approximate the square root of 0.9 to the desired precision. The square root of 0.9 is approximately 0.948 to 3 decimal places.

The square root of 5 has an unending decimal expansion but it might eventually repeat. Is this statement true or false.Explain?

If it eventually repeated, then the square root of 5 would be a rational number. Is the square root of five a rational number? As per wikipedia -- It is an irrational algebraic number.[1] The first sixty significant digits of its decimal expansion are: 2.23606 79774 99789 69640 91736 68731 27623 54406 18359 61152 57242 7089...

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The square root of 4 is 2

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3.3 IS THE square ROOT of 11 to one decimal place

What is the square root of 10 converted to a decimal?

The square root of 10 is about 3.16227766.