There are test standards to determine poisson ratio. For aluminum, it is 0.33
The answer depends on the ratio of the shape to what!
The answer depends on what ratio of the triangle you are interested in.
multiply by 2
If the ratio of the radii is 1:3 then the ratio of volumes is 1:27.
The answer depends on what the ratio is relative to!The ratio of a circumference to the area of a circle is half the radius.
since k=E/3(1-2n): where k=bulk modulus and n=poision's ratio it can be seen that value of poision's ratio can't be smaller than 0.5 in order to keep k be +ve.hence poision's ratio is 0.5
the poision comes from the food they eat in the south american jungle if you feed it regular incects itll lose its poision
when alluminium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid , it forms alluminium chloride and gives out hydrogen
It is a solid.
A tube is the same as bar with just a hole running through the middle. hope this helps
they are made of alluminium
It is made from alluminium.