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From earth the moon subtends an angle of 0.5 degrees. The ancient Greeks determined that the moon was approximately 60 earth radii away. Using simple trigonometry, the diameter of the moon would therefore be (60/2) tan(0.5°) = 0.26 earth diameters, or about 2000 miles. [The actual diameter is 2160 miles]. That makes the circumference 2000(pi) = 6300 miles [actual equatorial distance is 6786 miles].

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Q: How do you find the approximate length of the equator of the moon?
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Does the moon have a equator?

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The lunar equator receives the most sunlight annually due to its proximity to the sun-facing side of the Moon. This region experiences extended periods of daylight and is ideal for solar power generation.

Does the moon have equaters?

An equator is simply an imaginary line across the middle of the planetoid. So yes, the moon has an equator.

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The moon crosses the equator twice each lunar month due to the moon's change of declination.

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The moon's circumference at its equator is... 10,921 km

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The moon is a natural satellite. A meter is a measurement of length. No, the moon is not a measurement of length.

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