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In order to find the area of a trapeze you must add the area and the base and divide it by 2. Then divide the result by the height.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

average length of parallel sides*height

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Q: How do you find the area of a trapezia?
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What is the Formula for finding trapeziums volume?

A trapezium is a two dimensional figure. It can be said to have 0 or infinite height, therefore the volume of all trapezia is 0 or infinite. The area of a trapezium can be found by the multiplying the mean average of the parallel sides by the perpendicular height between them. If a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides, and h is the perpendicular height between them, then: area_trapezium = ½(a + b) × h If you have a trapezoidal prism, then its volume is given by the area of the trapezia at the ends multiplied by the length (l) between them: volume_trapezoidal_prism = ½(a + b) × h × l

What is a shape with four sides and four angles?

A quadrilateral, which includes squares, rhombi, parallellograms and trapezia...

How many different types of trapeziums are there?

There are infinitly many types. However some broad (and not necessaryly exclusive) classes of trapezia are Right trapezia (with at least 1 right angle) Isoceles trapeziea (the non parallel sides are equal in length) parallelograms (both pairs of sides are parallel)

What are the vertical and horizontal cross sections of a rectangular pyramid?

The vertical cross sections are trapezia or triangles. The horizontal cross sections are rectangles which are mathematically similar to the base.

What shapes have perallel opposite sides?

-- every parallelogram (including rectangles, squares, and rhombera)-- trapezia (trapezoids)-- every regular polygon with an even number of sides

Related questions

What is a Trapezia?

It's similar to Pythagoras Theorem and Trigonometry.

Is a trapezium a concave?

No, trapezia are convex.

What is the plural of trapezium?

The plural of trapezium may be trapeziums or trapezia.

What is the Formula for finding trapeziums volume?

A trapezium is a two dimensional figure. It can be said to have 0 or infinite height, therefore the volume of all trapezia is 0 or infinite. The area of a trapezium can be found by the multiplying the mean average of the parallel sides by the perpendicular height between them. If a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides, and h is the perpendicular height between them, then: area_trapezium = ½(a + b) × h If you have a trapezoidal prism, then its volume is given by the area of the trapezia at the ends multiplied by the length (l) between them: volume_trapezoidal_prism = ½(a + b) × h × l

How do you find the volume of a trapezium?

A trapezium is a 2D shape; volume it an attribute of 3D shapes. The volume of all trapezia is 0.

What do two isosceles look like?

It depends on isosceles WHAT? There are isosceles triangles, isosceles trapezia, for example.

What is a shape with four sides and four angles?

A quadrilateral, which includes squares, rhombi, parallellograms and trapezia...

How many different types of trapeziums are there?

There are infinitly many types. However some broad (and not necessaryly exclusive) classes of trapezia are Right trapezia (with at least 1 right angle) Isoceles trapeziea (the non parallel sides are equal in length) parallelograms (both pairs of sides are parallel)

How do you find the area of a circle inside a square?

all you do is find the area of the circle... if you mean find the squares area, find the area of the circle, and then the square's area and subtract the squares area to the circles area

How do you find the pupulation density of an area?

-- Find out the population of the area. -- Find out the area of the area. -- Divide the population by the area. The result is the population density of the area.

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Predators of starfishes are: Triton Trujmpet (Charonia tritonis), Harlequin Shrimp (hymenocera elegans), Reef Crab (trapezia sp.)

What shapes have perallel opposite sides?

-- every parallelogram (including rectangles, squares, and rhombera)-- trapezia (trapezoids)-- every regular polygon with an even number of sides