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First add all the fractions together. Then, divide this sum by the total number of fractions that were in the set. This quotient is your average fraction.

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Q: How do you find the average fraction of a set of fractions?
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Is Every unit fraction a proper fraction?

Yes, every unit fraction is proper fraction because a proper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is smaller than denominator. So the set of all unit fractions are also proper fractions.

What do you mean by representative fraction?

Every fraction has infinitely many equivalent fractions. A representative fraction is one member of this set.

Can you always find another fraction in between two fractions and why?

Yes. The set of rational numbers is infinitely dense.If p/q and r/s are any two fractions then (p/q + r/s)/2 is a fraction which is between the two.

How do you find the average in fractions?

The same as you would find the average of other numbers. Add all the numbers together, then divide by the size of the set - by the number that indicates how many numbers you have.

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There are infinite fractions between any two whole numbers.

When two fractions have the same part of a region or a set is called an improper or proper fraction?


Meaning of dissimilar fraction?

Dissimilar fractions are not equivalent as for example 1/2 is the same as 2/4 but 3/5 and 2/7 are dissimilar fractions

Are there more fractions than decimals?

No. Every fraction has a decimal expression but not every decimal has a fractional (rational) equivalent. There are infinitely many fractions: the cardinality of the set of fractions is Ào (Aleph-null). If the set of decimals is considers equivalent to the set of real numbers, then the cardinality of the set is 2À0 !

What fractions can go into one fourth?

Any fraction can go into any other fraction. The concept of "going into" for a limited set of numbers is useful only for integers.

Is a set of positive fractions closed for subtraction?

No. For example, the result of 1/6 - 2/6 is not a positive fraction.

How many fraction lies 0 and 1?

There are infinitely many. But, thanks to the strange behaviour of infinities, it set of fractions between 0 and 1 has the same cardinality (size) as the set of fractions between 0 and 100, or 0 and 10000000.

What I there is isn't a lowest common denominator for a fraction?

There is always an LCD for a set of fractions, even if it's only the product of the denominators.