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Look at a clock !

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Q: How do you find the average of time?
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How would you find the average speed of an cyclist during an entire race?

Find the distance of the race. Find the cyclist's start time. Find the cyclist's finish time. Elapsed time = Finish time - Start time. Average speed = Distance/Elapsed time.

What is the formula to find the average speed of a given distance and time?

Distance = time * average speed (velocity) Average speed = Distance/time

How do you find the average in mph?

Average speed = Total distance/Total time

How do you find the avrage speed?

To find the average speed, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula for average speed is average speed = total distance / total time.

How do you find the average speed from a velocity time graph?

To find the average speed from a velocity-time graph, calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken. This will give you the average speed. Alternatively, you can find the slope of the secant line that connects the initial and final points on the graph to determine the average speed.

What equation do you use to find average speed?

The equation to find average speed is total distance traveled divided by total time taken. Average speed = total distance / total time.

How do you find the total average speed?

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

How do you find the average of some thing?

Average speed is distance traveled divided by time taken.

How do you find the average speed per hour?

Average speed = Total distance/Total time

How do you find the average speed of a moving object?

To find the average speed of a moving object, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula is: Average speed = total distance / total time.

How do you find the average speed of an item over a given time?

To find the average speed of an object over a given time, you divide the total distance traveled by the object by the total time taken to cover that distance. Mathematically, average speed = total distance / total time.

How do you find the average speed of some thing?

Average speed is distance traveled divided by time taken.