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The formula for finding the angles is called " Pythagorean Thyrum " It states that a squred plus b squared equals c squared so therefore c squared minus a squared will equal b squared. i hope that helps

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Q: How do you find the b in the formula for area of a triangle?
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What is the formula to determine the area of a right triangle?

to find the area of any triangle follow the formula: 1/2(b*h) "B" - stands for the base of the triangle "H" - stands for the height of the triangle

Which is the formula used to find the area of isocelus triangle?

The formula is A=1/2(B*H)Where B=BaseH=Height

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For finding the area of triangle with the help of Heron's formula: [s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)]1/2 where a,b,c are sides of the triangle and s=1/2 of perimeter of the triangle

When heron formula was invented?

Heron, or sometimes called as Hero, invented the formula. The formula was used to find the area of a scalene triangle or an SSS triangle. The formula states for a triangle with sides a, b and c, the area can be calculated like this,K=sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where K is the area and s is the semiperimeter of a triangle i.e. s=(a+b+c)/2.

How do you find the area of a obtuse triangle?

Area = 1/2*a*b*SineC where a and b are the lengths and C is the angle between them. The above formula holds true for any triangle.

How does one calculate the area of a triangle?

The area of a triangle can be calculated with one main formula. That is, A=(b*h)/2, where A is the area of the triangle, b is the base of the triangle, and h is the height of the triangle.

Find the area of each triangle?

Formula for area of Triangle: a=0.5(bh) Where b is the base length and h is the height. For example, a triangle of base 10 and height 5 has an area of 25.

What is the formula to find the volume of a triangle based pyramid?

The formula for a triangle-base pyramid (a form of tetrahedron) isV = 1/3 Bh where B is the area of the triangular baseFind the area of the base by the formula B = 1/2 bh (height of that triangle), then multiply by 1/3 of the pyramid'sheight.

How is the triangle formula derived from the area of rectangles?

The area of a triangle is expressed using the formula A=(1/2)(bh) Where A is area Where B is length of the base of the triangle. Where H is the height of the triangle. The area of a rectangle is A=BH, Where B is the length of the base of the rectangle. Where H is the height of the rectangle. Because a triangle, essentially, is a half of a rectangle, you find the area of the whole rectangle that the triangle comes from, then divide that in half.

What is the formula used to solve for area of a triangle?

There are many formulas to find the area of a triangle although the most common is;A=1/2bh, where b=base and h=height

How do you find the area of a triangle if it has 3 numbers?

The formula for the area of a triangle is A=(1/2)BH where B is the base, and H is the height. If it has 3 numbers, pick out the 2 that you need, the base and the height, and use the formula.

How do you fine the height in the area formula of a triangle?

To find the height using the formula for Area of a triangle (a = bh/2): A = bh/2 (next, multiply both sides by 2) 2A = bh (then, divide both sides by b) 2A/b = h (this is your answer)