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Just multiply by pi. 2.25 x 3.14 = 7.065

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Q: How do you find the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 2.25?
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What is the circumference of a 225 Diameter circle?

Simply multiply the diameter times pi.

What is the diameter of a circle with 225 pi cm?

The given measure, 225*pi cm is a linear measure so it cannot refer to the area. It could refer to the radius or the circumference of the circles, or the length of an arc or a segment of the circle. It could, of course refer to something else, but then the task of finding the diameter is near impossible. If it is the length of an arc or a segment, you require further information. Since that is not provided, perhaps one can assume that the measure does not refer to either. That leaves the radius or the circumference. If the radius is 225*pi then the diameter is simply 2*radius = 450*pi cm. If the circumference is 225*pi, then the diameter is circumference/pi = 225 cm.

A circle has a radius of 15 Find the diameter and the area?

diameter = 30 units area = 225*pi square units

Find the circumference and area of a circle that has a rectangle inscribed inside it with sides that are 9 by 12 centimeters Write your answer as decimals rounded to the nearest hundredth?


What is the circumference of the circle with 225 cm its radius?

Circumference = 2*pi*r = 1413.7 cm = 14.137 metres

How find area of a circle if diameter is 15?

pi * 225/4 Radius is 15/2 pi r2 = pi * (15/2)2 = pi * 225/4

What is the circumference and area of a circle if D equals 30 and pi is 3.14?

Circumference = pi*diameter = 3.14*30 = 94.2 unitsArea = pi * r2 = 3.14 x (30/2)2 = 3.14 x 225 = 706.5 square units

What is the area of a full circle if the diameter is 30?

The area of the circle: pi*15*15 = 225*pi square measurements

How many Sq feet in a 30 foot diameter circle?

There are: 225*pi sq feet

The perimeter of a circle is 450 meters what is the area?

The perimeter of a circle is called the circumfernece.Circumference = Pi * d, where d is the diameter of the circle.Area = Pi * r2 , where r is the radius of the circle.=> d*Pi = 450{divide by Pi on both sides}=> d = 450/Pi{r = d/2, use substiution}=> r = 225/Pi{substitute in to Area formula}=> Area = Pi * (225/Pi)2{simplify}=> Area = 2252/PiArea of a circle with a circumference of 450m = 16114.43799m2

What is the area of a circle if diameter is 30?

Area = 706.5 Area of a circle = pi x r2 Diameter = 30, then radius = 15 pi x r2 3.14 x 152 3.14 x 225 = 706.5

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 15m?

Area of circle = Pi/4 x diameter2 = Pi/4 x 225 = 56.25 Pi = 176.7146 square metres.