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I have my math final tomorrow and I don't remember the quick method to finding the r value when they are not consecutive terms, please help me. n1=1/81, n3=1/3

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Q: How do you find the common ratio when given nonconsecutive terms?
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Does the terms of an arithmetic sequence have a common ratio?

No. An 'arithmetic' sequence is defined as one with a common difference.A sequence with a common ratio is a geometricone.

What is term called when the president serves two terms but not back to back?

Grover Cleveland

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Expressed as a ratio in its lowest terms, if one person is given 25 percent of something, and the other person is given 75 percent of something, this is a ratio of 1:3.

Why was president Grover Cleveland unique?

Because he was the first and only president to serve 2 nonconsecutive terms

Who was the president elected in two nonconsecutive times?

The president who was elected in two nonconsecutive terms was Grover Cleveland. He served as the 22nd president from 1885 to 1889 and then was reelected as the 24th president from 1893 to 1897.

Out of the 44 presidents so far how many of them are Protestant?

42. Kennedy was Catholic, and Cleveland held nonconsecutive terms.

Why was president Grover in the list twice?

He is the only president to have been elected for two nonconsecutive terms: 1885 and 1893.

The sum to three terms of geometric series is 9 and its sum to infinity is 8. What could you deduce about the common ratio. Why. Find the first term and common ratio?

The geometric sequence with three terms with a sum of nine and the sum to infinity of 8 is -9,-18, and 36. The first term is -9 and the common ratio is -2.

What number president was Cleveland 2nd term?

Because Cleveland's two terms were nonconsecutive, he was both the 22nd and 24th President.

What is the difference between succeeding terms called?

The difference between succeeding terms in a sequence is called the common difference in an arithmetic sequence, and the common ratio in a geometric sequence.

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