Aplique as regras de diferenciação, que dependem da forma da função:
Aplique as regras de derivação para cada termo da equação, seguindo a ordem das Operações (PEMDAS: parênteses, exponenciação, multiplicação/divisão, adição/subtração).
Simplifique o resultado, combinando os termos semelhantes
It is sec2.
If you have two equations give AND one parametric equation why do you need to find yet another equation?
You solve the equation.
You solve the equation.
you find the hard equation and simplify it....
It is sec2.
70 70
You find the equation of a graph by finding an equation with a graph.
Esmeralda is a derivitive of Emerald. The Emerald.
No, it is the methyl ester of p-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Write an algorithm to find the root of quadratic equation
In order to find the equation of a tangent line you must take the derivative of the original equation and then find the points that it passes through.
Murtagh is a derivitive of the name moriarity. The Gaelic naeis is Muircheartaigh
If you are referring to the derivitive of the opium poppy called "tar," it certainly is.
Material dispersion in a step index fiber is given by:Dispersion = -(length/c)*((DELTA_wavelength)/wavelength)*(2nd derivitive of n1 wrt wavelength)c = speed of lightDELTA_wavelength/wavelength is usually given as a percentage2nd derivitive of n1 wrt wavelength can be found using a graph.Since n1 is a function of the fiber you're using you must obtain a graph of dispersion for that particular material. I have a graph for glass silica. Let me know if you need it.
you can find it by counting how many numbers they are in the equation