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One simple method is to measure the radius with a ruler then multiply it by 2 to get the diameter. The accuracy depends on how exactly you are measuring through the center.

Geometrically accurate method is as follows:

Draw a square within the circle so that each corner or apex of the square touches the circumference of the circle.

Draw a straight line from one apex (corner) of the square to the opposite apex (corner) forming a diagonal of the that square.

The diagonal of the square is the diameter of the circle.

To countercheck the diameter measured, you can use the Pythagorean theorem on the two triangles formed by the diagonal of the the square.

Caution: The square must be accurate to get the exact diameter of the circle.

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Q: How do you find the diameter of a circle if you do not know the circumference or radius?
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How to find the radius of a circle with the circumference?

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The formula; 2 * Pi * Radius = circumference Will calculate the circumference of a circle.

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The equation for finding the circumference of a circle is diameter times pi so reverse it to circumference divided by pi which leaves the diameter. The diameter is twice as big as the radius so divide the diameter by 2 and you will find the radius.

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The diameter of a circle is simply twice the radius of the circle. The radius is a line that starts from the center of the circle to the circumference of the circle. The diameter is a line that passes through the circle. diameter=2xradius

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You can either measure it, or calculate it if you know the diameter (radius = diameter / 2), or the circumference (radius = circumference / (2pi)).

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Diameter = Radius*2 = 14 units. Circumference = pi*Diameter = 43.98 units.

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If you mean the diameter and radius of a circle given the circumference it is:- diameter = circumference/pi radius = circumference/(2*pi)