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You cannot. With only the base given (a parallelogram) you don't even know what the shape is: it could be a parallelepiped, or a parallelogram based pyramid or one of several other shapes.

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Q: How do you find the length of a diagonal if you have a base being a parallelogram and only one side given?
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How do you find the area of a parallelogram if only the diagonal is given?

You cannot. There is not enough information.

How do you calculate the sides of a parallelogram given the height and longer diagonal?

The height and longer diagonal do not provide enough information to calculate the sides.

If a box has a height of 56 inches what would the length of the diagonal be?

Since the length and breadth are not given, the length of the diagonal can be anything from the smallest fraction to the largest number of units.

How do you find the area of a square given only the length of its diagonal?

Given the length of the diagonal of the square ... call it 'D units'. The area of the square is (1/2 D2) (same units)2.

Formula for unknown altitude of a parallelogram?

Hopefully you've been given the parallelogram's area. If so you can use the following formula: Area of parallelogram = base length x altitude therefore altitude = area of parallelogram (divided by) base length

What is the area of a parallelogram of 6m and 14M?

Not too sure of the given dimensions but the area of a parallelogram is length times perpendicular height.

The size of a television is given by the length of its diagonal. What is the size of a television that has a width of 24 inches and a length of 45 inches?

Using Pythagoras' theorem the diagonal works out as 51 inches

How do you find the length of each side of a square?

If you are given the area of the square, then the length of each side is the square root of the area. If you are given the length of the diagonal of a square, then the lenght of each side is equal to the length of the diagonal divided by the square root of 2. l=sqrt(a) l=d/[sqrt(2)] l=length of side, d=diagonal, a=area, sqrt means square root

What is the length of a diagonal in parallelogram when both the sides are given?

It cannot be determined. Think of a square and distort it as a rhombus. As the rhombus gets flatter, one of the diagonals becomes smaller and the other becomes larger. The same applies to a parallelogram. You can only determine the maximum or minimum length of the diagonals. The maximum is the sum of the two sides, the minimum is zero. Neither extreme is attainable but you can get as close to them as you like.

How do you find the length of rectangle diagonally by using the area given?

You can't. Suppose for instance your rectangle is 1xA, then the diagonal length is sqrt(1+A**2). But if your rectangle is sqrt(A)xsqrt(A) then your diagonal length is sqrt(2*A). The only thing one can say for sure is that the diagonal length is at least sqrt(2*A).

How do you find the edge of a cube if the measure of the diagonal is given?

The longest diagonal in a cube is equal to the length of the edge, multiplied by the square root of 3.

What is the shape that has the same formula for area as a parallelogram?

A rectangle and a parallelogram have the same formula for area:The area of a parallelogram is given:area = length × widthwhere:length is the length of one of the sides of the parallelogram; andwidth is the perpendicular distance between the side chosen for the length and its parallel side.In the formula for the area of a rectangle, the width (perpendicular distance between the sides given for the length) is also the length of the other two sides.