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the general formula is arc length is equal the radius times the angle.


s=arc length



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Q: How do you find the measurement of an arc or angle on a circle?
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How do I find the length of the arc of a circle with only the measurement of an exterior angle?

That is not enough information.

Find the diameter of a circle with this measurement equals 10.4 in?

It depends on what "this measurement" refers to: the radius, circumference, length of arc with a known angle.

How do you find the length of the arc of a circle with only the measurement of the central angle and the Circumference?

The entire circumference has a central angle of 360 degrees. The arc is a fraction of the circumference. The fraction is (central angle) divided by (360). So the arc length is: (circumference) x (central angle) / (360) .

How do you find radius of a circle if given arc length?

you will need to know the angle subtended by the arc; arc length = radius x angle in radians

How would your find the fraction of a circle that an arc covers?

Use the information you have to find it. -- divide the length of the arc by the total circumference of the circle, or -- divide the central angle of the arc by 360 degrees (a full circle)

How do you find the central angle of a circle if I am given the arc length and radius?

(arc length / (radius * 2 * pi)) * 360 = angle

How do you find the Major arc in a circle?

You Look at the angle the problem gives you

The measure of an inscribed angle in a circle is the measure of the intercepted arc?

The length&Ecirc;of an inscribed angle placed in a circle based on on the measurement of a intercepted arc is called a Theorem 70. The formula is a m with a less than symbol with a uppercase C.

How do you find the circumference of a circle that has an arc length and angle degree?

The total circumference is (arc length) times (360) divided by (the angle degrees)

How find radius in a circle given angle and length of arc?

angle of arc/ angle of circle (360&deg;) = length of the arc/ total circumference (2 pi* radius) so you just have to find r then so: angle of arc/ angle of circle (360&deg;) *2pi = length of the arc/ radius radius= ength of the arc/ angle of arc/ angle of circle (360&deg;) *2pi not that hard ;)

Is a circle an arc?

an arc is a segment of a circle. If the arc subtends a full angle of 360 degrees, then the arc is a circle; but this is a special case of an arc.

How do you find the area of an arc for an example S has an arc in it how do you find the area of an s that has an arc?

A central angle can subtend (form) an arc of a circle. That has an area of 2 x pi x r x (angle A) / 360.