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Let the total number of observations be 4

let us take any 4 numbers,say


first of all we arrange this data in asscending or descending order




we take the middle values of this data

in this case 1 and 2

now we take out their average


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Q: How do you find the median of a data with an even number of observations?
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Is median always part of the data set?

yes* * * * *No. If you have a small, even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle values. This will usually NOT be part of the data set.

When may the median of a set of data not be a member of the set data?

It can't * * * * * Yes it can. When there are an even number of observations and the middle two numbers are not the same.

How do you find the median of a qualitative ordinal survey?

Order the observations according their ordinal value. If you have an odd number, k, of observations, then the observation is position (k+1)/2 is the median. are lucky, the median is the middle-ranking observation.If you have an even number of observations then the median is the average of the observations ranked k/2 and k/2+1. If you are lucky, both will be the same and so will be the median. Otherwise there may be no reliable measure of the median.

Formula of MEDIAN for ungrouped data?

If there are n observations, then, If n is odd then let m = (n+1)/2. The median is the mth value in the ordered set of observations. If n is even then let m = n/2. The median is the average of the mth and (m+1)th values in the ordered set of observations.

What is the medien in a math problem?

There is no such thing as a medien. A median of a set of numbers is the middle value when the numbers are placed in ascending (or descending) order. If there are an odd number [2n - 1 where n is an integer >0], of observations that are ordered, then the median is the nth observation. If there are an even number [2n where n is an integer >0], of observations, then the median is the arithmetic mean (average) of the nth and (n+1)th observations.

Related questions

Is median always part of the data set?

yes* * * * *No. If you have a small, even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle values. This will usually NOT be part of the data set.

When may the median of a set of data not be a member of the set data?

It can't * * * * * Yes it can. When there are an even number of observations and the middle two numbers are not the same.

Will the median always be equal to an actual value in the data set?

No. Not if there are an even number of observations and the middle two values are unequal.

How do you find the median of a qualitative ordinal survey?

Order the observations according their ordinal value. If you have an odd number, k, of observations, then the observation is position (k+1)/2 is the median. are lucky, the median is the middle-ranking observation.If you have an even number of observations then the median is the average of the observations ranked k/2 and k/2+1. If you are lucky, both will be the same and so will be the median. Otherwise there may be no reliable measure of the median.

What are the steps for mean median and mode?

Mean = sum of observations/number of observations Median: Order the observations. Of there are an odd number of observations, the median is the middle one. So if there are n observations (where n is odd) then the median is the (n+1)/2 th observation. If n is even, the median is the average of the n/2 th observation and the (n/2 +1) th. Mode: Group the observations. The mode is the value or values that appear the most often. There may be no mode, a single mode or lots of them.

Formula of MEDIAN for ungrouped data?

If there are n observations, then, If n is odd then let m = (n+1)/2. The median is the mth value in the ordered set of observations. If n is even then let m = n/2. The median is the average of the mth and (m+1)th values in the ordered set of observations.

Median of ungrouped data?

Arrange the values in increasing order. If the number of observations n is odd, the median is n/2+1 st value. n/2 is integer division (ignore the fraction). If there are 5 observations, the median is 5/2+1 = the third observation. If the number of observations is even, median = [ x(n/2)+x(n/2+1)] /2, the average of the two middle values. If there are 10 observations, 10/2 +(10/2+1), the average of the fifth and the sixth observation. The median is such that 50 % of the cases lie below it and 50 % above.

What is the middle number in set of data?

The median. If there are an odd number of elements in the set, there is a middle number which is the median. If there are an even number of elements in the set, the median is the mean of the middle two numbers.

What is the medien in a math problem?

There is no such thing as a medien. A median of a set of numbers is the middle value when the numbers are placed in ascending (or descending) order. If there are an odd number [2n - 1 where n is an integer >0], of observations that are ordered, then the median is the nth observation. If there are an even number [2n where n is an integer >0], of observations, then the median is the arithmetic mean (average) of the nth and (n+1)th observations.

What is the median of 15 min57sec and16min1sec?

The median of an even number of data points is the mean of the two that are central. Since you gave only 2 data points, the median is going to be the mean of the two data points, so 15'59" ■

What are the measures of central tendency in statistics?

Mean, median, and mode. The arithmetic mean is the simplest and most common of all statistics. Add all the values of the observations, and divide by the total number of observations. That's it. To arrive at the median, rank order the values of the observations from lowest to highest, and look at the middle value. This is your median. In the event the number of observations is even, take the mean of the middle two values (where the median would be if there were an odd number of observations). The mode is simply that number in the data set that appears most. Data distributions (or the pattern of your data) can have two modes, three modes, or any number of modes, provided all the values are equal in frequency. Alternatively, distributions can have no mode at all. In the distribution below, there are 3 modes: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 the values 1, 2, & 3 each appear 3 times. The median is 2 (it is smack dab in the middle of the distribution), and the mean is: (3(1)+3(2)+3(3))/9=2

How do you do a box and whisker plot that has two nunmbers as the middle?

The median is a single number. If there are an even number of observations so that there are two "middle" numbers, then the median is the arithmetic average of the two (their sum divided by 2).