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Construct a 144° angle with two equally long lines. Keep on adding sides until you come back to the beginning. Count the sides.

Mathematicaly you could divide a full circle with the value of the difference between the interior angel and a straight line (180°)

So: 360° / (180° - 144° ) = 10

You will in either case get decagon (ten sided figure)

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Q: How do you find the number of sides a regular polygon has if the interior angles equals 144?
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A Regular Polygon

What does the sum interior angle of a polygon equals?

The sum of the interior angles of any regular polygon of n sides is equal to 180(n - 2) degrees.

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2700⁰/180⁰ = 15 (triangles)So the polygon has 17 sides.

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If the polygon has n sides, the sum of its interior angles is 180*(n-2) degrees.

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A 13 sided polygon also called a triskaidecagon or tridecaogn has a total 1980 degrees for its interior angles.

How many sides does a polygon have if the sum of its interior angles is equal to the sum of its exterior angles?

The sum of the exterior angles of all polygons equals to 360⁰.Since only the sum of the interior angles of all quadrilaterals equals to 360⁰, the polygon must have 4 sides.

What is the Number of sides of a regular polygon if one angles has degree measure 144?

A relevant general formula is that the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon equals 180(n-2), where n is the number of sides. Also, all of the interior angles of a regular polygon are equal. Therefore, 180(n - 2) = 144n in the instance given, or: 180n - 360 = 144n, or (180 - 144)n = 360, or 36n = 360, or n = 10.

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Sum of interior angles = (n-2)*180 degrees = 1080 deg So (n-2) = 1080/180 = 6 => n = 8. The polygon is, therefore, an octagon. However, there is no reason to assume that the interior angles of this polygon are all the same - they could all be different with the only constraint being their sum. IF, and that is a big if, the polygon were regular, then all its angles would be equal and each interior angle = 1080/8 = 135 degrees.

What is a polygon called if the sum of its interior angles equals 180 degrees?

A triangle