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Factoring by the AC method, difference of squares, perfect square trinomial. If not factorable by those ways, you can use the quadratic formula.

You can also find zeros by synthetic division.

If there are not any real solutions, then the solutions are said to be complex, they do not cross the x axis.

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Q: How do you find the number of solutions in a quadratic equation?
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What is the difference between quadratic formula and quadratic equation?

There are an infinite number of different quadratic equations. The quadratic formula is a single formula that can be used to find the pair of solutions to every quadratic equation.

Why do mathmaticians use the quadratic formula?

To find the roots (solutions) of a quadratic equation.

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If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is equal or greater than zero it will have 2 solutions if it is less than zero then there are no solutions.

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When you graph the quadratic equation, you have three possibilities... 1. The graph touches x-axis once. Then that quadratic equation only has one solution and you find it by finding the x-intercept. 2. The graph touches x-axis twice. Then that quadratic equation has two solutions and you also find it by finding the x-intercept 3. The graph doesn't touch the x-axis at all. Then that quadratic equation has no solutions. If you really want to find the solutions, you'll have to go to imaginary solutions, where the solutions include negative square roots.

How can you find the complex solutions of any quadratic equation?

I suggest you use the quadratic formula.

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The quadratic formula can be used to find the solutions of a quadratic equation - not a linear or cubic, or non-polynomial equation. The quadratic formula will always provide the solutions to a quadratic equation - whether the solutions are rational, real or complex numbers.

Does quadratic equation relate to science?

No, the quadratic equation, is mainly used in math to find solutions to quadratic expressions. It is not related to science in any way.

How do you find the answer to a quadratic equation from the quadratic formula?

Plug 'a', 'b', and 'c' from the equation into the formula. When you do that, the formula becomes a pair of numbers ... one number when you pick the 'plus' sign, and another number when you pick the 'minus' sign. Those two numbers are the 'solutions' to the quadratic equation you started with.

What is the quadriatic formula used for?

To find the solutions of x in a quadratic equation.

What statements must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

The equation must be written in the form ( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 ), where ( a \neq 0 ). This is the standard form of a quadratic equation. If the equation is not in this form, you may need to rearrange it before applying the quadratic formula.

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Draw the graph of the equation. the solution is/are the points where the line cuts the x(horisontal) axis .

Find the quadratic equation if the following solutions are 3 and 5?

x2 - 8x + 15