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Any number from 1 to 10999 can be made using a combination of these Roman numerals, which can simply be typed using the capital letters and curved bracket symbols on an ordinary keyboard...
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
(IV) = 4000
(V) = 5000
(VI) = 6000
(VII) = 7000
(VIII) = 8000
(IX) = 9000
(X) = 10000

For example... 3 = III, 24 = XXIV, 48 = XLVIII, 296 = CCXCVI, 666 = DCLXVI, 1555 = MDLV, 2009 = MMIX, 4999 = (IV)CMXCIX, 10888 = (X)DCCCLXXXVIII.

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Q: How do you find the numerical value of a number?
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When writing a numerical value you use the standard numerical unit. There is the use of number placement, ones, tens, hundreds and there is the decimal points and comma to give numerical value.

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Oh honey, FIVE is a word, not a number. The numerical value of the word "FIVE" is 42 if you're talking about its ASCII value. But if you're looking for the numerical value of the actual number 5, well, that's just 5. Math can be a real hoot, can't it?

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4000 to 5000

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The Hebrew word for water is מים (mayim), and it's numerical value is 90.

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"Numerical value" simply refers to the number, in this case, 1200. Of course, if you convert it to a different unit you'll get a different numerical value - a different number.

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