When writing a numerical value you use the standard numerical unit. There is the use of number placement, ones, tens, hundreds and there is the decimal points and comma to give numerical value.
935,000 is a numerical value maybe you mean nine hundred thirty-five thousand
The mean can take any numerical value.
It means finding the value of the expression.
Calculating the value of the expression when you have substituted numerical values for the variables.
Do you mean in Roman numerals? If so then 67 in Roman numerals is LXVII.
When writing anything that requires a numerical value, you should write the value in number form. In some math equations, you may be required to spell out your answers using the alphabet, while some answers would just require a number.
The count or number of something. E.g.;If x = 2 then the numerical value of 3x is 6.The numerical value of the constant pi is 3.142...
935,000 is a numerical value maybe you mean nine hundred thirty-five thousand
Find the numerical value of.
The mean can take any numerical value.
It means finding the value of the expression.
It means to find the numerical value of the expression.
Calculating the value of the expression when you have substituted numerical values for the variables.
sampl statistics
The same as it does for any other numerical value.
Do you mean in Roman numerals? If so then 67 in Roman numerals is LXVII.