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Q: How do you find the perimeter of a regular polygon when only the base and area are given?
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How do you find the area when perimeter is given?

Unless the area is a regular polygon (or a circle) you cannot.

How do you determine area if perimeter is given?

More information is required in order to answer this question. What is the shape for which the perimeter is given? If it anything other than a circle or regular polygon it is not possible to determine the area. For a circle or regular polygon, the answer will depend on the shape.

What is the formula for finding the area of a regular polygon with perimeter P and apothegm length a?

Area of regular polygon: 0.5*apothem*perimeter

How do you find the perimeter of a regular polygon with the apothem and area?

Perimeter = 2*Area/Apothem.

What would be the area of a regular polygon with the perimeter of 20 ft and apothem of 3 ft?

Area of regular polygon: 0.5*20*3 = 30 square feet

What would be the area of a regular polygon with the perimeter of 10 feet and an apothem of 2 feet?

The answer will depend on the number of sides in the polygon. Since that information is not given, there can be no answer.

Find the apothem of a regular polygon with an area of 625 m2 and a perimeter of 100 m?

Find the apothem of a regular polygon with an area of 625 m2 and a perimeter of 100 m.

What is the formula for finding the area of a regular polygon with perimeter P and apothem length a?

A = (1/2)Pa A being the area, P being the perimeter of the regular polygon, and the apothem length being a.

What is the Perimeter of a regular polygon?

The formula used to find the area of any regular polygon is A = 1/2 a P where the lower case a stands for the length of the apothem and the uppercase P stands for the perimeter of the polygon.

What would be the area of a regular polygon with a perimeter of 10 feet and an apothem of 14 feet?

Such a polygon is not possible.

What are the measures in a regular polygon?

The area of a regular polygon is given by the following formula: area =(1/2) (apothem)(perimeter).There are several other formulas that can be used. Regular Polygon Formulas are: N=number of sides, s= length, r = apothem (adiius of inscribed circle) R = radius of circumcircle. Using any of these formulas you can find the measurements of a regular polygon.

What is the area of the regular heptagon if the apothem is 16 and the perimeter of the heptagon is 15.44?

The area of a regular polygon is equal to (1/2)pa, where p is the perimeter and a is the apothegm. The area of this polygon is (1/2)(15.44)(16), which is 123.52 square units.