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Oh, dude, finding the radius of a pyramid is like finding a unicorn at a petting zoo. First, you gotta locate the center of the base, then draw a line from there to the apex. The length of that line is the radius. It's like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, except with math.

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3mo ago
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3mo ago

To find the radius of a pyramid, you first need to determine which type of pyramid you are working with (e.g., regular or irregular). If you have a regular pyramid, the radius can be calculated by dividing the length of one of the triangular faces by 2 times the tangent of half the central angle at the apex. For an irregular pyramid, you may need to use the Pythagorean theorem to find the radius by considering the base and height of the pyramid.

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15y ago

Radius is the name for half the diameter of a circle. A pyramid is not associated with a circle therefore it cannot have a radius. The closest shape would be a cone.

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first you find the area of the base and then you find the area one side of the pyramid an you time it with 3 if it is a triangular pyramid or 4 if it is a square pyramid

How do you find the radius if circumference is given?

Divide the circumference by 2PI to find the radius. ( C = 2PI*Radius)

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To find the perpendicular height of a square pyramid, first compute for the volume of the pyramid. Then divide the volume by the area of the base to find pyramid's height.

How can you use radius to find the diameter?

you double the radius to find the diameter.

How do you find the radius of a circle if you know the radius?

You already know the radius.

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How do you find the radius when you have the circuference?

circumference = pi * 2radius (diameter) so to find radius you use circumference/(2 x pi) this will find radius ----

How do you find the radius if you are given the radius?

I guess you mean:"How do you find the radius if you are given the diameter?"You take the diameter and divide it by 2.