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Q: How do you find the radius of a semicircle using its perimeter?
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How do you find the perimeter of a shape that has a semicircle?

To find the perimeter of the curved section of the semi-circle: Perimeter of semicircle = Pi x radius If you also need to the find the perimeter of the straight part of the semicircle (the diameter), it is simply double the radius.

How do you find the perimeter of a semicircle?

The circumference of a semicircle is pi times the radius plus the diameter.

How do you find the diameter of a semicircle when radius is given?

The diameter of the semicircle will be twice the radius.

How do you find the radius of a semicircle?

it is have the diameter

How do we find a perimeter of a semicircle?

It is its diameter plus half of its circumference

How do you find the radius of a semi circle with an equal perimeter to a rectangle with 1 side 3cm and the other side equal to the radius?

Suppose the radius is R cm. Then the perimeter of the rectangle is 2*(3+R) = 6 + 2R cm. The length of the arc of the semicircle is pi*R and the length of the diameter is 2*R so the perimeter of the semicircle is pi*R + 2R The two perimeters are equal so 6 + 2r = pi*R + 2R That is, 6 = pi*R and so R = 6/pi

How do you find the perimeter of a semicircle if its diameter is 45 cm?

Perimeter of the semicircle including its base: 180/360*pi*45+45 = 115.686 cm rounded to 3 decimal places

How do you find the perimeter of the circle of radius r?

by using formula 2. pie. r

How do you find the perimeter of a semicircle with radius 7?

Perimeter = (pi*7)+14 = 35.99114858 or about 36 units of measurement Answer 2 (ylon2): Perimeter= 2*r+2*pi*r/2=r*(2+pi) = r*5.14=35.98 or about 36 units of measurement (ylon2 calkulated)

Find the perimeter of a semicircle of diameter 10cm?

First find the circumference of the whole circle using Pi x diameter. Halve the answer and add the diameter. Thus: 3.1416 × 10 = 31.416 ÷ 2 + 10 = 25.708cm So the perimeter of the semi-circle is 25.7cm

What is the formula to find the area of a semicircle?

Pi*radius squared is how to find the area of a semicircle

What is the formula to find a semicircle?

I think that you are asking for the equation of a semi-circle. If you have a circle with radius r and centered at (0,0), its equation is x^2 + y^2 = r^2 The upper semicircle has the equation: y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) with -r ≤ x ≤ r <------------------ Answer By using the square root I only get points where the y coordinate is positive and thus all points are restricted to the upper semicircle. The area is ((π * r^2) / 2) The perimeter is (π * r)