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The volume of the sphere is: V=4πr3/3.

Then r=0,62 x (cubic root from V)


Call the volume 'V'.

Call the radius 'R'.

The volume of a sphere is V = 4/3 (pi) R3 .

Multiply both sides of the formula by 3/4 :

3/4 V = (pi) R3

Divide each side by pi :

3V/4 pi = R3

Take the cube root of each side :

R = cube root of (3V/4 pi)

The first answer up above simplified this somewhat, by taking (3/4 pi)

out of the cube root, and you wind up with:

R = 0.62 times the cube root of ( V ) . (rounded)

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Q: How do you find the radius when you know the volume of a sphere?
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How do you find the radius of a sphere based on the weight in pounds?

You need to know if the sphere is solid or hollow. You also need the "density" in terms of pounds weight per unit volume. Then Volume = Mass/Density And Radius = cuberoot[3*Vol/(4*pi)]

If you know the diameter of a sphere you can find its radius true or false?

True. The radius is half the diameter.

What does the water level in a cylinder rise by when a sphere is submerged in it when I know the radius of the sphere and the radius of the cylinder?

Fist you've got to find the volume of the sphere, if the radius was 4cm then it would be...4/3*pi*r3=268cm V of cylinder= pi*r2*l (the radius for example is 8cm) 268=pi*64*l L=268/64pi =1.3cm

What is the formula for finding the radius of a circle when you have the volume?

If by circle you mean sphere, then the volume of a sphere is: 4/3 * pi * radius^3. If you already know the volume, then here's what you do: 1. Multiply the volume by 3/4. 2. Divide the volume by pi. 3. Take the cube root of both sides In other words, the formula for radius when volume is known is: ( ( Volume * 3 ) / ( 4 * pi ) ) ^ (1/3)

How do you find the empty space if you put a sphere in a cube?

To determine empty space, we will assume that the sphere fits snugly(so that each side of the cube is touching the sphere). First, we take the volume of the cube, which is just one of its side lengths cubed(side length X side length X side length). Record this quantity. Then we find the volume of the sphere. The formula for the volume of a shere is (4/3) Pi r cubed. Since the sphere fits snugly, we know that the radius is half of the side length. We then take the cube volume and subtract the sphere volume, and that is the empty space remaining.

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A solid rectangular block of metal 49cm by 44cm by 18cm is melted and formed into a solid sphere find the radius ofthe sphere?

To find the radius of the sphere, we need to know that the volume of the rectangular block is equal to the volume of the sphere. The volume of the rectangular block is 49 x 44 x 18 = 38,808 cm³. Equating this to the volume of a sphere (4/3πr³), we can solve for the radius which comes out to be approximately 22.18 cm.

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To find the volume of a planet, you can use the formula for the volume of a sphere: V = 4/3 * π * r^3, where r is the radius of the planet. You would need to know the radius of the planet to calculate its volume.

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To find the cubic feet in a sphere, use the formula for the volume of a sphere which is (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius of the sphere. Once you calculate the volume in cubic units, convert it to cubic feet by considering that 1 cubic foot is equal to 27 cubic feet.

How do you find the radius of a sphere based on the weight in pounds?

You need to know if the sphere is solid or hollow. You also need the "density" in terms of pounds weight per unit volume. Then Volume = Mass/Density And Radius = cuberoot[3*Vol/(4*pi)]

What is the diameter of a 5 pound sphere?

You need to know it's density to find the volume, then 4/3 pi r^3 to get radius, then double radius is diameter.

What does the water level in a cylinder rise by when a sphere is submerged in it when I know the radius of the sphere and the radius of the cylinder?

Fist you've got to find the volume of the sphere, if the radius was 4cm then it would be...4/3*pi*r3=268cm V of cylinder= pi*r2*l (the radius for example is 8cm) 268=pi*64*l L=268/64pi =1.3cm

If you know the diameter of a sphere you can find its radius true or false?

True. The radius is half the diameter.

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Measuring the volume of a baseball is a tough chemistry equation. To do so, you would have to measure the circumference to find the radius. Next, you would find the volume of a sphere. You would also have to know the density of water to complete the equation.

The sphere is made of aluminum and its mass is 26 kg. 1) What is the radius of the sphere?

To find the radius of the aluminum sphere, you need to know its density. Without density information, it's not possible to calculate the radius just from the mass given.

A cone and sphere have the same volume the radius of the sphere and the base of the cone are 6cm what is the height of the cone?

Start by finding the volume of the sphere. You know it's radius is 6cm. The volume of the sphere with respect to the radius is: v = 4/3πr3 So you can plug that radius in to get the volume: v = 4/3π(6cm)3 v = 4/3π216cm3 v = 288πcm3 We know that the volumes of the sphere and the cone are equal, and that the base radius of the cone is six centimeters. Using those, we can work out the cone's height. The volume of a cone is calculated as: v = πr2h we already have the volume and radius, so we simply have to rearrange that equation and solve for h v = πr2h h = v / πr2 and simply plug in our values: h = (288π cm3) / π(6cm)2 h = 288cm3 / 36cm2 h = 8cm So the height of the cone is eight centimeters

What is the formula for finding the radius of a circle when you have the volume?

If by circle you mean sphere, then the volume of a sphere is: 4/3 * pi * radius^3. If you already know the volume, then here's what you do: 1. Multiply the volume by 3/4. 2. Divide the volume by pi. 3. Take the cube root of both sides In other words, the formula for radius when volume is known is: ( ( Volume * 3 ) / ( 4 * pi ) ) ^ (1/3)

How do you work out the area of a sphere?

To work out the area of a sphere, you have to know its radius. Once you know that: -- 'square' the radius (multiply radius times radius) -- multiply that result by 12.5664 The result is near the area of the sphere.