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Q: How do you find the resultant if the vector is parallel to each other?
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How do you find vector components when given the vectors are parallel and the magnitude of each vector is equal to 1?

If they are parallel, you can add them algebraically to get a resultant vector. Then you can resolve the resultant vector to obtain the vector components.

What the difference between vector and resultant vector?

Equilibrant vector is the opposite of resultant vector, they act in opposite directions to balance each other.

How is a resolution of a vector different from the resultant of vectors?

When you resolve a vector, you replace it with two component vectors, usually at right angles to each other. The resultant is a single vector which has the same effect as a set of vectors. In a sense, resolution and resultant are like opposites.

What is the direction of the resultant vector after adding two equal and opposite vectors?

The resultant vector will have a magnitude of zero because the two equal and opposite vectors cancel each other out. The direction of the resultant vector will be indeterminate or undefined.

What is the difference between resultant and equilibrant vector?

A resultant vector is the single vector that represents the combined effect of multiple vectors. It is obtained by adding together all the individual vectors. An equilibrant vector is a single vector that, when added to the other vectors in the system, produces a net result of zero, effectively balancing out the other vectors.

What is the resultant of a 3 unit vector and 4 unit vector at right angles to each other?

The multiplicative resultant is a three unit vector composed of a vector parallel to the 3 unit vector and a vector parallel to the product of the 3 unit and 4 unit vectors. R = (w4 + v4)(0 +v3) = (w40 - v4.v3) + (w4v3 + 0v4 + v4xv3) R = (0 - 0) + w4v3 + v4xv3 as v4.v3 =0 ( right angles or perpendicular)

When two equal and opposite vectors are added their resultant vector has zero magnitude what is the direction of this resultant?

The direction of the resultant vector with zero magnitude is indeterminate or undefined because the two equal and opposite vectors cancel each other out completely.

What is the outcome of two vectors that are at right angles to each other known as?

The outcome is called the resultant no matter what angle At right angles the resultant is calculated a the hypotenuse of the triangle with each vector as sides

When two equal and opposite vectors are added their resultant vector has zero magnitude.What is the direction of this resultant?

The direction of the resultant vector with zero magnitude is arbitrary, since it indicates that the two equal and opposite vectors cancel each other out completely.

What is the resultant of two vector quantities?

The resultant of two vector quantities is a single vector that represents the combined effect of the individual vectors. It is found by adding the two vectors together using vector addition, taking into account both the magnitude and direction of each vector.

What are the ways of determining the resultant vector?

You can do it graphically by drawing the vectors with the end of the first touching the beginning of the second, the end of the second touching the beginning of the third, and so on, being careful to maintain the direction and the scale of the magnitude of each. The resultant is then the vector that starts at the beginning of the first vector and ends at the end of the last vector. You should get the same resultant no matter what order you put the vectors in. You can do it matematically by trigonometrically separating each vector into its x and y components, adding together all the x's and adding together all the y's, then calculating the resultant. Think of each vector as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. After adding together the x's and y's, the two sums are the two sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is the resultant.

Can you add vector like scalars or not?

No. Because vectors have direction as well as magnitude, you must take the direction into account when you add them. Example: Vector A parallel to [0,0; 0,4] Vector B parallel to [0,0; 3,0] These vectors are at right angles to each other Vector A has a magnitude of 4, Vector B an magnitude of 3. A + B = has a magnitude of 5, parallel to [0,0;3,4]