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Entire surface area = (2piradius2)+(pidiameterheight) in square units

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Q: How do you find the surface area of cylinder when you have the base and height?
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How do you get surface area of a cylinder?

area of base x height

What is the surface area of a cylinder having a base diameter of 8 and a height of 10?

The curved surface area of this cylinder is 251.33 units2

Which is the formula to find the lateral surface area of a cylinder?

the circumfrance of the base x the height of the cylinder

What is the surface area of a cylinder with base radius 2 and height 9?

The curved surface area is 113.1 units2

What is the surface area of a cylinder with a base diameter of 12 and a height of 8?

The curved surface area is 301.6 units2

What is the surface area of a cylinder with base radius 4 and height 8?

The curved surface area is 201.06 units2

What is the surface area of a cylinder with base radius 33 and height 55?

Total surface area = 2*pi*r*(r + h) where r is the base radius and h the height.

What happens to the surface area of a cylinder if the height is doubled and the diameter of the base is not change?

The surface area of the 'wall' doubles, but the base areas remain the same.

What is the surface area of a cylinder with base radius 3 and height 7?

188.4 cm2

What is the surface area of a cylinder with a circular base with a radius of 3 cm?

The surface area of the base = Pi x r2 = Pi x 9 cm2 But to calculate the surface area of a cylinder you also need to know its height. The cylindrical surface area will be Pi x 2r x height = (in this case) Pi x 6 x height.

What happens to the surface area of a cylinder if the diameter of the base is doubled and the height is not changed?

The base areas quadruple and the curved surface doubles.

What is the surface area of a right circular cylinder with base circle of radius of 5M and height of the cylinder 10M?