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Use the formula volume = (4/3) pi r3.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a ball with the radius being 4 and leave pi in the equation?
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What is the volume of cylinder with radius of 2.5cm and height 10cm?

Calculate it by multiplying the value of Pi by twice the radius - then multiplying that number by the height... I'll leave YOU to do the maths !

How do you find radius of cone when given volume and height?

The volume of a cone is 1/3 pi times the radius squared times the height. When given the volume and height divide both sides by the height. Volume divided by height is equal to 1/3 times pi times the radius squared. Now divide both sides by 1/3 pi. This will leave you with the radius squared. Take the square root of both sides and you will get the radius.

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The formula for the volume of a cylinder is pi*r*r*h. So, substitute 2r for r (double radius) and leave h as it is: pi*(2r)*(2r)*h = 4pi*r*h. Therefore the new volume is four times that of the original volume.

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v = pi r^2 h That is the formula for the volume of a cylinder. Therefore, the volume is v = pi (4) ^ 2 * 12 v = 192pi (That's the best form to leave the answer in, but if you want it as a number, multiply pi -about 3.14- by 192)

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The volume of a cylinder is (pi) x (radius)2 x (length)The radius of the pipe is half of its diameter = 15 inchesVolume = (pi) x (15)2 x (716 x 12) cubic inches = 3,514.66 cubic feet = 130.17 cubic yardsThat's the volume of the pipe. Knowing nothing about concrete, I don't knowhow efficiently you can pack it into that volume. and I have to leave that stepup to you.

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It is: 36*pi

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 18 leave in pi?

Circumference = 36*pi

How do you find volume of a dome?

no get out of here and leave me alone

How do you find the circumference with radius of 18 in if you leave your answer n pie terms how many inches is it?

Circumference = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter Circumference = 36pi inches

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pi X diameter finds the circumference so circumference divided by pi will leave the diameter. half the diameter to find the radius

How do you get the teennagers to leave in Wimpy Wonderland?

You have to win bingo to get the CD, then play that in the store on full volume. The people will leave.

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12.99 to two decimal places. I'll leave you to work out how the answer is obtained !