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The volume of the cylinder is height * pi * radius squared.

Fill up the cylinder with water. Pour it into the irregular.

If it's not full yet, do it again as many times until it is.

Count how many times you filled & poured the entire cylinder full of water.

Multiply that number by the volume of the cylinder. (First part of answer)

If you can only fit a portion of the last cylinder full of water into the irregular, measure how much water you have left in the cylinder. Multiply (1-portion left (a fraction less than 1)) times the volume of the cylinder to get the volume of the last bit used to fill up the irregular. (second part of answer)

Add the two parts of the answer to get the final answer.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a irregular using a cylinder?
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How do I find the volume of an irregular object using a graduated cylinder?

To determine the volume of an irregular object using graduated cylinders, you fill a graduated cylinder with water right to the top, then submerge the object in the water. Measure the water that overflows using a second graduated cylinder, and read the water level in it in cc's or cubic inches. That is the object's volume.

What measuring tool do you use to find the volume of an irregular solid?

A graduated cylinder.

How to find the volume of an irregular shape?

To find the volume of an irregular shape, you need to use the water displacement method. If the object can fit into a graduated cylinder, fill the cylinder with enough water to adequately cover the object, but don't put the object inside the cylinder yet. Record the amount of water in the cylinder. Carefully drop the object into the cylinder. This will cause a rise in the water in the cylinder. Record this second volume. Subtract the first volume from the second volume, and the difference is the volume of the irregular object. For larger objects, use an overflow can.

How do you find the volume of an irregular shape in a graduated cylinder?

Find the density and mass of the object d=m/v and plug in your numbers and solve for volume

What is the formula to find the volume for cylinder by using diameter?

The diameter, alone, is not enough to find the volume of a cylinder. You need the height as well. > Where pi = 3.1416, and d = cylinder diameter cylinder volume = pi * (d/2)2 * length of cylinder

Related questions

How do I find the volume of an irregular object using a graduated cylinder?

To determine the volume of an irregular object using graduated cylinders, you fill a graduated cylinder with water right to the top, then submerge the object in the water. Measure the water that overflows using a second graduated cylinder, and read the water level in it in cc's or cubic inches. That is the object's volume.

How could the volume of a 12 sided object be found using water and a graduated cylinder?

it can be found by first taking the volume of the water itself and then the volume of the object in the water. you pour water into the 12-sided object, then measure the amount of water using the graduated cylinder. Then you do this: length x width x height = volume

What measuring tool do you use to find the volume of an irregular solid?

A graduated cylinder.

How to find the volume of an irregular shape?

To find the volume of an irregular shape, you need to use the water displacement method. If the object can fit into a graduated cylinder, fill the cylinder with enough water to adequately cover the object, but don't put the object inside the cylinder yet. Record the amount of water in the cylinder. Carefully drop the object into the cylinder. This will cause a rise in the water in the cylinder. Record this second volume. Subtract the first volume from the second volume, and the difference is the volume of the irregular object. For larger objects, use an overflow can.

How do you get the density of an irregular shape?

To find the density of an irregular shape, you would first measure its mass using a scale. Then, you would need to measure its volume using a displacement method or by using water displacement. Once you have both the mass and volume, you can calculate density by dividing the mass by the volume.

What tool is used to find volume of an irregular solid?

10-mL graduated cylinder

What is a mesuring cylinder for in science?

The use of measuring cylinder is to know the perfect mass of an irregular object and to find the volume of a liquid

How do you find the volume of an irregular shape in a graduated cylinder?

Find the density and mass of the object d=m/v and plug in your numbers and solve for volume

How do you find the density of the irregular object?

To find the density of an irregular object, you need to measure its mass using a scale and determine its volume using a displacement method or geometric equations. Once you have both the mass and volume, divide the mass by the volume to calculate the density (density = mass/volume).

What is the name of the procedure you need to complete to find the volume of an irregular object?

The name of the procedure to find the volume of an irregular object is calleD water displacement. You can do this by using a graduated cylinder. so say you fill the graduate up to 50ML and then you drop the object in and it is 100ML . so that tells you the volume of the object is 50ML because you subtract 100ML - 50ML = 50ML

How do you find the density of regular and irregular shaped objects?

To find the density of a regular shaped object, you can calculate it by dividing the mass of the object by its volume. For irregular shaped objects, you would measure the mass of the object using a scale, then measure its displaced water volume when submerged in a graduated cylinder. The density can then be calculated by dividing the mass by the volume of water displaced.

How do you find the volume of an element?

To find the volume of an element, calculate the product of its length, width, and height if it is a rectangular shape. If the element is a cylinder, calculate the volume using the formula V = πr²h, where r is the radius and h is the height. For irregular shapes, use integration or approximation methods to find the volume.