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Factorise equation, and look at what x values are needed for the equation to equal zero.

Eg. x^2+5x+6


So parabola intercepts x axis at -3 and -2.

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Q: How do you find the x-intercept of a parabola?
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To find the value of a in a parabola opening up or down subtract the y-value of the parabola at the vertex from the y-value of the point on the parabola that is one unit to the right of the vertex.

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You need more than one tangent to find the equation of a parabola.

How do you draw a parabola on an equilateral triangle?

To graph a parabola you must find the axis of symmetry, determine the focal distance and write the focal as a point, and find the directrix. These are all the main points you need to be able to draw a parabola.

How do you find a parabola opening up or down?

If you can mash the equation for the parabola into the form Y = Ax2 + Bx + C, then the parabola opens up if 'A' is positive, and down if 'A' is negative.

To find the value of a in a parabola opening up or down, subtract the y-value of the parabola at the vertex from the y-value of the point on the parabola that is one unit to the of the vertex?


To find the value of a in a parabola opening left or right subtract the x value of the parabola at the vertex from the x value of the point on the parabola that is one unit the vertex?


How do you find the gradient of a parabola?

(-1.5,0) (1.5,0) what is the gradient?

How do you find points on a parabola to graph them?

Select a set of x values and find the value of y or f(x) - depending on how the parabola is defined. These are the values that you need to graph.

How do you find the zeros in a parabola?

If the equation of the parabola isy = ax^2 + bx + c then the roots are [-b +/- sqrt(b^2-4ac)]/(2a)

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