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You can graph the line and read out from the graph where the line intersects the X and Y axes. You can input values for Y until you find one that gives an X = 0 and input X values until you find one that gives a Y = 0 (This is the same as setting either X equal to zero and solving the equation the setting Y = 0 and solving)

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Q: How do you find the x and y intercepts of a line?
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How to find the x-intercepts when there is no y?

If there is no y, then the equation is of the form x = c where c is some constant value. And so the line intercepts the x axis at (c,0).

What are x and y intercepts?

The x and y intercepts are where a line on a graph intersects (crosses over) the x or y axis.

Find the slope and intercepts of each line y equals -x plus 1000?

Slope: -1 intercepts: (0,1000),(1000,0)

When can finding the x and y intercepts help you graph a line more efficiently?

If it's a straight line, then that's all you need. Find the 'x' and 'y' intercepts,lay your ruler down between the two points, and draw your line.

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Given the linear equation 3x - 2y^6 = 0, the x and y intercepts are found by replacing the x and y with 0. This gives the intercepts of x and y where both = 0.

What is y equals -x using intercepts?

y = -xBoth intercepts are at the origin. From there, the line slopes up to the leftand down to the right.

What is the meaning of x and y intercepts?

The x-intercept is defined by where a line crosses the x-axis. The y-intercept is defined by where a line crosses the y-axis.

What is the x-intercept for y equals 5x - 10?


How do you find slope using x and y intercepts?

Your x and y intercepts give you two points on the line of the graph. Use these two points in the slope equation m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), and that gives you the slope.

What if you cant do find the x intercepts?

Then there is no x-intercept. No big deal. Lots of functions do not have x- intercepts. For example, y = x2 + 1 or y = 2x

How d yu find x and y intercept on a graph?

In the equation y = f(x), Put x = 0 and solve for y. Those are the y intercepts. Put y = 0 and solve for x. Those are the x intercepts.

How do you graph this function y equals 1 plus x plus 3?

You find the intercepts on the x and y axis: First, sub in x=0, giving you y=4. Then sub in y=0, giving you x=-4. So your intercepts are (0,4) and (-4,0). Plot these 2 points, and draw a line between them (you can do this since your function is a straight line, not a curve).