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Set x = 0 and solve the resulting equation in y for the y-intercept.

Set y = 0 and solve the resulting equation in x for the x-intercept.

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Q: How do you find the x and y intercfept?
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Substitute zero for x to find the y-intercept, and substitute zero for y to find the x-intercept.

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To find x as a percentage of y, calculate 100*x/y.

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solve the x and you find the y

How do you find the x-intercept from a table?

You look for the value of 0 in the y column, and find out what x has to be for y=0. This value of x is you x-axis intercept. (Reverse "x" and "y" in the above description to find the y-intercept, if there is one).

How do you find x intercept?

to find the y-intercept you plug in your x and y values in to the equation of y=mx+b. b is the y intercept and m is the slope. To find the x-intercept, set y = 0, and find value of x that satisfies the equation. If it is a line in the form y=mx+b, then the x-intercept will be at x= -b/m

How do you find x and y intercepts?

if you are looking at a graph the y intercept is when the graph crosses the y axis and the x intercept is when the graph crosses the x axis. if you have a formula... plug zero in for x to find the y intercept, and plug zero in for y to find the x intercept

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What is the solution to y-x plus 3?

Because this question has more than one variable( x and y) the solution is impossible to find (a number). To make it easier to find x or y, x = a - y + 3 y = 3 - x - a where a = y - x + 3

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If you are trying to find x and y, the answers are x=3 and y=2. You can use elimination to find the answer. First you cross out the y and -y in the equations and then add the x's and numbers, which will give you 3x=9. You can then solve for x and you will get x=3. To find y, you put 3 into either of the equations for x and solve for y.

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