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Q: How do you find the zero in a function?
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Where the graph of a function equals the value zero?

you have to first find the derivative of the original function. You then make the derivative equal to zero and solve for x.

Why do you equate the equation to zero?

Not all equations are equated to zero, but usually we set a function equal to zero if we want to find its x intercepts, or where the graph of the function crosses the x axis.

Why is the zero of a function the same as an x-intercept of a function?

when you have a function lets say y = mx + b then you set it equal to zero and solve you are finding the x values that give you a y value of zero and a y value of zero lies on the x-axis. therefore when you find a zero of a function it's really the x value of where the function touches or crosses the x axis. hope this helps

Is it true that the function has a vertical asymptote at every x value where its numerator is zero and you can make a table for each vertical asymptote to find out what happens to the function there?

Every function has a vertical asymptote at every values that don't belong to the domain of the function. After you find those values you have to study the value of the limit in that point and if the result is infinite, then you have an vertical asymptote in that value

How do you find the minimum and maximum points of a function?

Set the first derivative of the function equal to zero, and solve for the variable.

Why do we set the denominator to zero to graph a rational function?

We set the denominator to zero to find the singularities: points where the graph is undefined.

What is the zero of a function and how does it relate to the functions graph?

A zero of a function is a point at which the value of the function is zero. If you graph the function, it is a point at which the graph touches the x-axis.

How do you find the y-intercept of a function?

The y-intercept is the value of a function f when x is equal to zero. So, substitute 0 for x into the equation and find the value of y.

How do you find the domain of a rational function?

The domain of a rational function is the whole of the real numbers except those points where the denominator of the rational function, simplified if possible, is zero.

How do you find all the zeros of a function?

You could try setting the function equal to zero, and finding all the solutions of the equation. Just a suggestion.

What is a zero of a quadratic function?

The "zero" or "root" of such a function - or of any other function - is the answer to the question: "What value must the variable 'x' have, to let the function have a value of zero?" Or any other variable, depending how the function is defined.

Where is the zero of any function location on the coordinate plane?

The zero of a function is a point where the function evaluates to zero. If you express "y" as a function of "x", i.e. y = f(x), then for a zero of the function, the y-coordinate is 0. In other words, the corresponding point is on the x-axis.